Friday, May 11, 2018

The Pearl of Great Price

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure which is hidden in the field, which a man discovered and hid, and because of his joy, he went and sold everything he had, and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44

[This quote is part of the parable called the “pearl of great price”. When people question how I could become Catholic, given some of the common thinking on the Church these days, I think of this parable. If you seek the Truth, and then you are shown something so startlingly true that you can neither deny it or walk away from it, even if you have to buy the whole field for this 'pearl', you happily give all that you have, even your own precious ideas and point of view. And you find out, as the Zen Buddhist would say, the relationship of the muddy field to the Lotus.]


  1. Patricia, The parable and your quotation are the answer to the questions I have been asking about a spiritual path I had started down but was becoming disillusioned with. It is a muddy, messy road isn't it! Gratefully, Peter


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