Thursday, December 12, 2019

Our Own Darkness

St. John of Avila 

Listen O Daughter
If it seems to you that you desire to lead a very holy and perfect life completely for the glory of God, realize that there are persons so proud and stubborn that they cannot be humbled other than by temptations, distress, and even falls. They are so weak that they do not walk God's way with diligence unless they are spurred on constantly. Their hearts are so hard that it takes many misfortunes to break them.  They are unable to have discretion or caution without having made many mistakes. In short, their hearts are puffed up by a few graces and rendered vain. Such people need many afflictions to make them walk humbly before God and neighbor.

… Thus God permits desolation, darkness of mind, and even sin, so that those so afflicted may humble themselves and be free of the miseries already mentioned.  Confused at these falls and at this kind of life, people usually are humbled and then have to seek and find a remedy from God. Had they not fallen, they might have lost the remedy through pride, or might not have sought it with diligence and grace.

[This quote is not particularly about Advent, the theme for this week, but I offer it because when we hear about Advents as "waiting in darkness" it is good to remember that this includes our own darkness: "temptations, distress, and even falls", "desolation, darkness of mind, and even sin".] 

St. John of Avila is another name for St. John of the Cross.

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