Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Monk in the World

Zen Monk Ryokan

O that my monk’s robe were wide enough 
to gather up all the suffering people in this floating world.

One Robe, One Bowl


  1. I find the image of the world floating poignant. When I see something floating, the impermanence of its position and its vulnerability to the perils of the sea come into my awareness. Is this a common metaphor in Buddhism? Recognizing that the poetic experience is very subjective, am I reading it as you do, Patricia? Peter

  2. The 'Floating World' can mean the earthly plane of death and rebirth from which Buddhists seek release. It can also mean the world of pleasure, possessions and suffering, which is passing even as we experience it. What I love about this brief poem is that Ryokan acknowledges the suffering - even though impermanent, and it draws his compassion. 


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