Friday, August 7, 2020

The 'Thing' Comes

Phyllis Cole-Dai

The Thing comes – the calling, if you will – and you realize, deep down, it's come for you, and you can't turn your back or toy with it. The Thing demands you take it up with a single-minded passion, even though you never asked for it, or even want it. The Thing's here, and it's yours. You don't ask why it has come, for who would know the answer, and besides, the why doesn't matter. You trust the Thing totally, and that's enough. Finally, you don't ask how you'll survive it, or if the Thing is hard and will break your heart. Now is not the time for asking that. ...

To those of you reading this, please, pay attention. The Thing comes in some form in every time and season, to every person with eyes to see and ears to hear. Be present, and it will reveal itself to you, in its own way, on its own schedule. When it comes, seize it with empty hands. It will lead you where you need to go.

Practicing Presence: Insights from the Streets

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