Monday, March 6, 2023

Day Book's End


Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27:13-14

From Patricia

Time has come to bring the Day Book to an end. For two more weeks I will post the usual two quotes from Bernadette, on Tuesday and Wednesday. If I have any words of my own to share, I will post them on Thursday. On the final week, Tuesday, March 21, there will be one last posting, a quote that speaks to this goodbye. 

In looking at the statistical information I found that the greatest number of visits to the site occur on quotes by Bernadette and, surprisingly, comments by me. At the end of the next two weeks Contemplative Day Book will continue in place as a source of some information that people still come to find – such as how to find Bernadette Robert’s blog site and information on my book. 

This decision is quite strong and clear to me. I thank you all, dear readers, for your years of interest, friendship and support. Our conversation has been as useful and inspiring to me as I hope it has been for you. God bless us all on our continuing spiritual journey.

[If any site pops up claiming to know Bernadette personally (no one can actually because the person of Bernadette was gone long before we met her) and say that they understand her writing, or any interpretation of it, please beware of trusting what is posted there (especially anything by James or Phoenix Kennedy). ]


  1. Thank you for your service. It's been a blessing to me!

  2. Thank you, Patricia, for all you have given us. I'm not sure that I let you know that I have a copy of your book too. Thank you!!!

  3. Can’t thank you enough Patricia for your encouragement and thoughtfulness along the journey. All the best to you and your well deserved break. Thank you, thank you, thank God.

  4. Thank you for keeping Bernadette‘s voice and challenges alive for all these years. Thank you for the wider context that landed in my inbox.
    Or, as we say traditionally: Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. World without end. Amen.

  5. Thank you for everything.

  6. Although I am a relative late comer to the day book, I have thoroughly appreciated it for the breadth and depth of content shared. Thank you Patricia. I trust your work here has brought you fulfilment as much as it has offered insight and affirmation for those on the contemplative path. Whatever your next steps, may they be full of love and life 💕

  7. Sorry for not responding sooner . I discovered your post several years ago. In doing so I discovered Bernadette. What a blessing. Thank You. I have your book Thank you for that also.

  8. Thank you so much Patricia.
    I’ve found so many of the quotes on this site inspiring over the years.
    I wish you well x


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